
The enterprise manufactures minichannel radio relay stations, communication systems, TV sets, channel selectors, gas counters and other domestic equipment. The enterprise has the following processes and departments:

non-ferrous metals die casting; mast antenna production;
plastics moulding; cable assembly production;
metal working (stamping, milling, bodies of revolution machining); automotive vehicle assembly;
electroplating and painting; tool-making;
single- and double-sided printed circuit boards; special and technological equipment manufacture;
wood-working; mechanical and climatic tests laboratory

The enterprise includes a 250-strong design bureau with 30 years experience in radio equipment development. The design bureau develops nearly 90% of equipment manufactured at the enterprise.

Address: 195, 10 Let Oktyabrya St., Omsk 644009, Russia
Tel: ++7 (3812) 33-43-81, 30-93-91, 30-98-54
Teletype: 216252 BARS
Telefax: ++7 (3812) 30-91-94, 30-95-07

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