Omsk Plant Avtomatica

The Omsk Plant Avtomatica is a major manufacturer of:

Stations to warn aircrews about irradiation by radar signals of SAM systems and radars of interceptors of contemporary aircraft and helicopters, and maintenance and repair facilities for the foregoing equipment.
On-board target designation and missile guidance equipment and appropriate maintenance facilities.
Microelectronic units (microwave modules, personal-use microassemblies, intermediate-frequency devices, secondary power supplies). Products manufactured by the Avtomatica plant are well known in Germany, Syria, India, Iran, Iraq, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, China, Korea, Latin American countries and elsewhere.

Address: 24 Kosmichesky Pr., 644010 Omsk
Tel: ++7 (3812) 37-16-15
Fax: ++7 (3812) 57-17-91
Teletype: 216211 UZOR

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